Translations of operating manuals. Efficiency please!

"We expertly combine professional translator skills with the technology and work flows of modern DTP programs."

Direkt in Ihrem originalen Programm.
Translations of operating manuals on PC + MacIntosh.

Translations of operating manuals with layout adjustment
We will consult with you and then adapt the layout to the target language. You will have no extra expenditure.

Do you have the correct format for currency, date, language tags, direction of reading, fonts?

Professional translation plus terminology management
Specialised native speaker principle plus use of CAT tools.

Proofing loop
Translations of operating manuals including proof-reading and correction. Not until we are sure that your document has been translated without any errors and the layout is right will we deliver.

Expertise & network
Together with our network of specialists from all over Europe, we will coordinate your entire project and guarantee a professional result.

Supported programs include

We will work out a precise calculation of expenditure with a binding delivery date based on the quantity of text.

The Jecaro quality guarantee
Translations of operating manuals

  • Native speaker principle with professionally correct translations
  • Technical expertise
  • Tried and tested work flows
  • Team with a high degree of customer identification
  • Translation memory & terminology management
  • Internal as well as customer approval processes
  • Confidentiality declarations
  • Advice, availability, punctuality & fairness

"Our aim is your satisfaction and working together with you for the long term. The more we know about you, the better the result."